RFR's "Kenobi Question" Causes Shock Waves!

On the November 25th episode of RFR, we were joined by Entertainment Weekly reporter Anthony Breznican, who has been closely following the production of current and future STAR WARS films, including ROGUE ONE. Our conversation shifted to the future of STAR WARS films beyond what has already been announced. The prospect of a rumored film, or even trilogy, featuring Obi-Wan Kenobi was discussed and Breznican offered some well-educated speculation.

Following the release of the show, we were pleasantly surprised to discover the amount of attention this interview generated. Beginning with an observant post at Star Wars News Net, the story then spread like wildfire across the web, like this edition of Nerdist News:

 Here is what Star Wars News Net had to say in their initial post:

"With the Boba Fett movie originally slated for 2018 before being moved to an unspecified date in the future, some fans were hoping that Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Star Wars Story would take its place for the presumed 2020 slot. But it’s not sounding like that’s going to be the case: on Rebel Force Radio, while talking about the Anthology series, Anthony Breznican mentioned the reasoning as to why an Obi-Wan movie might have to wait beyond that particular window.

Rebel Force Radio: …And lastly is the rumored Obi-Wan spin-off, something Ewan McGregor has been on the record as saying it’s something that he would be interested in. What do you think the odds are of something like that?

Anthony Breznican: Um, I have heard rumors that the one reason they haven’t moved sooner on Obi-Wan is that they’re not done with Obi-Wan quite yet…

RFR: Ohhhh.

AB: …in the Saga films. So I wouldn’t be surprised to see an Obi-Wan thing happen beyond Episode IX.

RFR: Holy cow!

AB: Which it would have to anyway, because they’re booked up until Episode IX.

RFR: Of course, yeah, of course.

AB: So I don’t think that’s controversial to say, but I think that there’s bound to be some reference to Obi-Wan – and I’m not being coy here, this is literally all I know is that [Lucasfilm’s thinking is] “Ehh, if you want to tell an Episode IX story, it’s better that it happens after this first trilogy, because things that happen in it can maybe reference The Force Awakens trilogy.”, if that makes any sense. Some of this is sort of like doing CIA spy work, where you get little pieces of information and then you try to connect them. But I think that they’ll probably be some reference to Obi-Wan in the Saga films, and his connection to whatever characters he happens to have a connection with. I’ve already written that I think that Rey has some kind of connection to him – family connection. So if that’s the case, maybe we see a part of that play out in the future Obi-Wan movie. Ewan McGregor would be the perfect age to reprise that [character]…

RFR: Yes! Right.

AB: …So he seems game to do it, and I think [the movie] hasn’t been one they’ve greenlit just yet, but partly because they’re still shaping that story. So we’ll see. I think it’s – again – kind of a no-brainer."

Following the publication of this post, the dominoes began to fall and the story was picked up everywhere. Thank you internet echo chamber! Be sure to check out additional coverage at Collider, io9, ComicBook.com, SlashFilm, SyFy's Blastr, Geek Tyrant, CinemaBlend and of course, our fellow rebels at Jedi News.  Keep your eyes out for more coverage as new stories keep popping up by the hour!