RFR's New Year's Eve Video Goes Viral

By Jimmy Mac

Most of you are aware of the RFR New Year's Eve family tradition of blowing up the Death Star at Midnight. We start watching STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE at a specific time so the Death Star explodes exactly at 12:00 am. This year, my son Michael McInerney shot video of the event as it happened...And we nailed it. The Death Star exploded exactly at the stroke of 12:00am (give or take a millisecond) and the folks gathered around my TV went nuts. My iPhone is in the frame where you can see the Atomic Clock website for accuracy.  Shortly after midnight on January 1st, we posted the video to the Official RFR Facebook Page, and to our surprise, it went viral!

Since we posted the video, it has reached 8.6 million users with 2.7 million views of the video itself. It's been shared 64.5k times, it's received 40.8k likes and 21.1k comments...In just three and a half days. The video has been cross-posted to YouTube, featured on Reddit's front page, and has become very popular on the meme app iFunny.  

Hopefully, this will boost our New Year's tradition further into the mainstream and more people will than ever before will blow up the Death Star at Midnight to enhance future New Years Eve celebrations!