RFR Q&A #196: The Mount Rushmore of STAR WARS Animation

Mount Rushmore was created to honor four US presidents who had a profound effect on the development and growth of the USA. But what if we replaced the presidents heads with our four favorite moments in the history of STAR WARS animation? RFR V.I.P. Mike Aragon returns to the Q&A to continue his "Star Wars Mount Rushmore" series. First we did "The Mount Rushmore of Star Wars Films", followed by "The Mount Rushmore of Star Wars Streaming Series". Now, the third part of the trilogy is here: "The Mount Rushmore of Star Wars Animation" featuring our picks of the best of the best based on personal preference and impact on the saga on a whole.

RFR All Access can watch the video to see all the pix and everyone else can check out the photo gallery on the RFR Patreon page!


(or CLICK HERE for a 5 minute FREE preview)

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