Anthony Daniels: "Having See-Threepio As My Best Friend"

Anthony Daniels was visiting Chicago for the opening of STAR WARS: WHEN SCIENCE MEETS IMAGINATION at the Museum of Science & Industry when he stopped by the CBS Radio Chicago studios for a conversation with Jimmy Mac. Anthony opened up about playing the iconic STAR WARS character and revealed many heartfelt stories about working with George Lucas and working inside the cumbersome C-3PO droid suit. Anthony also gives us suggestions for some great "freeze frame" moments during Threepio's oil bath in A NEW HOPE, and talks about the challenges of having Artoo as his sidekick. But through it all, it is obvious Anthony still has a very fond spot in his heart for the famous, yet fussy, protocol droid.

Enjoy this classic IN THE CANTINA interview with accompanying visual enhancement...A cool slideshow featuring in studio photos taken during the conversation along with famous C-3PO moments.