Spring Cleaning: A Fresh Look For RFR On Patreon

It's time for Spring Cleaning here at Rebel Force Radio, and we are happy to give you an update to the RFR Patreon page. We have changed the main logo, replacing the grey X-Wing look with a sleeker new logo specifically for RFR On Patreon. Members will see this logo on your device when accessing RFR audio via our private audio RSS link, that many have told me they love using. It's the best way to access all the audio we've released here since the beginning. It can be accessed on the RFR Patreon home page. Just look for the "AUDIO RSS LINK", copy it, and paste it into your podcast player of choice. It's easy! 

There also has been some mild restructuring of the tiers. Some have new names, some are gone completely, and all have new logos. The three dollar RFR HI-FIDELITY tier has been eliminated. Members of that tier will continue to get all the audio available in the RFR INSIDER tier, including our Patreon-exclusive discussion show RFR Q&A,  the higher quality Weekly RFR MP3 files and more. 

RFR RUSH HOUR stays the same. Members still get access to our popular Patreon-exclusive show featuring Jimmy Mac talking to Jason on his ride home from work in the greater Cleveland metropolitan area.  RFR REWIND is now RFR CLONE WARRIOR. A re-branding of this tier seemed most appropriate as the highlight is access to remastered episodes of CLONE WARS: DECLASSIFIED  featuring "The Filoni Files". Members will also have early bird access to new episodes when STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS returns later this year on Disney+.  RFR ALL ACCESS still gives you full access to everything in the other tiers but also occasional dips into the RFR Vault for our rarest audio, including rare, never before heard online convention panels, press conferences, concerts and more!  And the RFR Q&A tier has been renamed, more appropriately, RFR VIP. 

Hope you all like the changes.  Thanks to all RFR Patreon members for your amazing support and we hope to see you in Chicago in a few weeks at our sold out Patreon Exclusive event!